Sunday, 25 April 2021

The Kilobyte's Gambit

Recently, I've been playing The Kilobyte's Gambit. This is an older Javascript 1K chess engine that has been put together with CGA/MS-DOS -style visuals, referring the series The Queen's Gambit. Here you play against a pixellated caricature of Beth Harmon the chess master from the show.

After winning the first game ever against it, I got emboldened and thought it was a simplistic opponent. However, later games revealed I can hardly guarantee a win and have probably lost more games against it than I've won. True, I try to play fast but even when I play slow and careful a victory is not always secured.

I was also curious if the small engine would reveal its limitations to me.

A low level player like me is pleased when the early game follows some known opening pattern, and then a comfortable middle game follows. Yet, when opening theory is discarded as anarchistically as Beth does here, then I'm faced with a difficulty: What to do when the opponent does a move I know to be "wrong" but I cannot exploit this knowledge in any way? 

Beth's approach resembles some of those dreaded "pawn-pushers" at I try to play normally and soon my defences are overcome with pawns far too close to comfort. Yet I somehow know it's not a good approach.

As much as I hoped for a "silver bullet" solution that would break the computer and win every time, this doesn't seem to be the case.

At some point I tried copying the pawn movements. After creating an near-immobile wall between you and the opponent, the computer gets confused and simply moves pieces back and forth.

This gives time to pile up your rooks and material to the right edge and push through. After a couple of successes with this approach I begun to be confident that this is it. Yet as the wall is broken you are not always the one to benefit from it! Also, "Beth" may choose an opening where this isn't even really possible.

Still, are there any observations beside "play well and carefully?" One clue is in the instructions: Beth sees four moves ahead. This is enough so it won't fall for a simplest traps or discovered attacks, and unlike a beginner Beth won't be hanging pieces.

The 4-move horizon is broad enough to produce moves that can break a castling and lead to a mate. These can even appear diabolically clever.

Frustratingly, Beth never castles, which seems like another bad practice, but the engine does rather well despite of this. It knows the castling move, though, but as much as I've observed it's only done to avoid a mate.

The non-castling is one piece of knowledge that can be exploited. Checking occasionally provokes the king to move around, if there is no adequate or useful piece for blocking the attack. Furthermore the king may be lured to territory where it can be mated.

(The castling rules appear to be off: You can't castle if the involved rook is under threat, and this is wrong.) 

If Beth appears to sacrifice something, be very careful. Often this is just a prelude to a fairly useless exchange, but something worse might happen. One idea I've tried to observe is not to be too responsive to the black moves. If Beth seems eager to exchange a piece, try to come up with something else.

The engine is quite bad with end games with pawn promotions, as it might simply not see that five-six moves ahead the player can have a new queen. This suggests a strategy where the black pawns are reduced and all pieces exchanged. To make this happen is of course easier said than done.

Early in the game, Beth might even "give away" pawns as part of piece exchanges. These are not usually too dangerous to take, but the moves afterward have to be done carefully.

In the above position, the center pawn can be taken with the knight. Black takes knight and then White takes knight with the queen (check). Some threatening situations arise but as the computer doesn't see that far here these could be resolved without loss.

In the same vein there can be opportunities for forks. I cannot really fathom how the engine allows these. I suspect it might see a mate or worse in the near future, something that's not easy for the player to see, and the only way to avoid it is to permit the fork.

Clearing the field of black pawns entirely should not done lightly, as the engine seems to thrive on an open field. I guess as the decision tree becomes broader, a human can't handle it easily but it's no problem for the computer. Semi-closed positions are better as there a person can more easily see ideas beyond the 4-move limit.

Lessons learned?

I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to concentrate on this game. Does it improve chess skills at all?

I compared the engine to Stockfish levels 1-4 in Lichess, and Level 4 ("1700") was able to win it with certainty, whereas I suspect Level 3 might win it with luck. At this time, it didn't. The thing is the Lichess Stockfish easy levels sometimes do random mistakes and blunders that the 1K engine doesn't do at all.

It's a good idea to have some exercise against "bad" openings too, as there are those non-castling pawn-pushers in online play too. (I've started to suspect some of them are testing their own engines) Many chess engines don't really offer this option.

The graphics are quite unclear, which makes the game somewhat more difficult. Many times I've blundered because I couldn't tell the king and queen apart, especially when the king may move about more than the queen.

When going back to Lichess after an 1K gambit session, the graphics there look blissfully clear and spacious. Possibly, just possibly, this CGA-ordeal helps in reading the board.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Korg Volca SysEx

The Korg Volca FM (2016) is a neat tiny remake of a Yamaha DX7 (1983) digital FM synthesizer.

The cheapness does come with some strange omissions, and the most astounding is that it doesn't understand the MIDI Program Change signal.

Also, editing the sounds fully on the Volca is not really possible. The knobs cleverly access multiple operators and the overall algorithm through a few knobs. (Edit: Actually there is a way to edit the parameters and it's not too bad.)

One selling point of the Volca is that as it's a DX7 clone, it can load DX7 patches, i.e. programs/voice data. As the Volca can receive a single-voice patch, I thought I could simply send the whole instrument data at once, and ignore the lack of Program Change messages.

This model also means the Volca can interpret all the original DX7 parameters, such as the meticulous editing of 6 separate operators, Feedback, Pitch envelope and LFO. It's just all under the hood, as the parameters are not accessible with MIDI Control Change messages.

There's an unofficial firmware update that expands the Volca capabilities in these respects, but I wanted to avoid that route as yet.

Sending SysEx

I used to think System Exclusive packets were something arcane, possibly because I didn't get them to work reliably with an Atari ST and a BASIC in the 1990s, having very little information at hand.

With better hardware and better drivers, plus all manuals and information on the Internet you could hope for, it's much more easy to experiment. It's simplicity in itself, a number of 7-bit bytes are bookended by $F0 and $F7 bytes.

Volca doesn't have MIDI out so I couldn't just sniff the contents of the SysEx package.

The device can send/receive patches using audio(!) and for a moment I thought I'd examine that format as I did with the Panasonic JR-200 tape format those long short years ago.

However, the Volca SysEx patch is well documented and there's a lot of DX7 material around on the web so I felt I should be able to pull this off without going to extremes.

Almost 100% of all Yamaha DX7 patches on the internet are in the 32-patch (4kbytes) format, whereas I'm far more interested in the single-voice (156-byte) format.

Even MIDI can easily send that much data in an eyeblink, so although I don't expect real-time editing of the voice it should be comfortable. 4Kbytes wouldn't be that slow either, as MIDI moves stuff by 31250 bits per second, with a stop bit that becomes 3125 bytes per second I'm told.

Just to give a further idea of the speed, MIDI moves roughly 52 bytes during a frame if I'm working on 60fps screen (Not that MIDI has anything to with the screen sync)  It's not a huge amount when presented like this!

Well, after a few misunderstandings and typos I could send the SysEx dump to Volca, proven by having the text display show my instrument name. By the way Volca only shows 8 characters of the 10, which can be annoying when making a disction between Trombone1 and Trombone2 and so on...

It says MyPatch1, not NyPatchI!

SysEx is initiated by sending $F0 over MIDI, and terminated with $F7. As MIDI data contents tend to be 7-bit, the data within a SysEx dump is within 0-127 range ($00-$7F).

$F0 - Exclusive status
$00 - Global MIDI Channel (Device)
$00 - Format Number (1-voice as opposed to 32-voice)
$01 - Byte Count MSB (1=128)
$18 - Byte Count LSB (128+

... data

$F7 - End of Exclusive

I was worried that the Global MIDI channel (Device) does not really do anything. If I had two Korg Volcas in my MIDI chain, there's no software way to differentiate between the two and they would both receive the same data. So a setup with multiple Volcas wouldn't work with this approach, unless I had separate MIDI buses for different MIDI interfaces.

Well, as I don't have multiple Volcas, the remaining real problem was to decipher the patch data as something meaningful, and I didn't undertand the DX7 patch structure that well. (I used to have a Yamaha DX11 instead.)

Using Processing/Java and midibus library, the below sends a bare Sysex, excluding all the program setup and given that "output" is an already set midi bus.

I've colorized the areas to correspond with the comment lines.

Some notes on the patch structure

A human-readable DX7 patch sheet might say Frequency Coarse 1.0 and Frequency Fine 0.0, but would not tell which bytes would represent such information. In turn the Volca MIDI specification says that Coarse frequency can be described with 0-31 and Frequency Fine is 0-99, but not tell the relation to the frequency. 

I couldn't find a full "Rosetta Stone" that would solve all this, but at least the source to this DX editor  served as a starting point. Here I could already see that Keyboard Level Scale values 0-3 correspond to -LIN, -EXP, +EXP and +LIN and the oscillator mode is R/F, pointing to Frequency Ratio and Fixed Frequency.

It's worth to note that the six Operators are "upside down" in the SysEx bank, starting from 6 and ending with 1.

So, I'm onto something here, and the original DX7 manual was also helpful here.

The FM synthesis is based on the idea that an oscillator frequency is modulated with another oscillator. If you first modulate the frequency of one oscillator and then in turn use this to modulate the frequency of another, you can get quite complex sounds. There's a feedback in the algorithm too, which often provides that 'raspy' or 'crunchy' digital DX sound.

The way the 6 operators interact with each other depends on the overall Algorithm (0-31). The algorithm decides which of the operators are carriers and which are modulators. If you can't see how the algorithm is built, then editing the sound is quite pointless. The Volca of course bypasses this rather neatly.

For example, algorithm 4(of 31) means that Operators 1,3,5 are carrier (sound-generator) operators, and 2,4,6 act as modulators for the respective carriers. (6 also feeds back into itself).

Algorithms 1 and 21 (#0 and #20)

You have to refer to the algorithm chart of the DX7 or Volca, bearing in mind these are often numbered 1-32 whereas the MIDI data is 0-31. Roughly, these start from algorithms where all operators feed into each other in turn, ending with algorithms where all or most operators are parallel carriers.

Operators can feed a proportional frequency or a fixed tone. It's usually better to start from having all operators in Proportional Ratio mode.

Frequency Coarse in Ratio mode:

0 = 0.50 Hz
1 = 1.0
2 = 2.0
3 = 3.0


29 = 29.0 Hz
30 = 30.0 Hz
31 = 31.0 Hz

Frequency Fine (0-99) complements Coarse so that Frequency Ratio is

Coarse Freq * (1+F*0.1)

where F is the 0-99 setting.

... meaning that 0 = 0.50 * 1.99 would be 0.995hz and 1 = 1.00 * 1.99 would be 1.99Hz obviously.

It's a good idea to start with carriers that have 1 = 1.0 and modulators not too far off either. Voices easily become weird if you mess with disproportionate carriers.

Detune can add some "life" to a sound, ranging from -7 to 7 and the effect depends also on whether the operator is a carrier or a modulator.

0  = -7
1  = -6
2  = -5
3  = -4
4  = -3
5  = -2
6  = -1
7  = 0
8  = +1
9  = +2
10 = +3 
11 = +4
12 = +5
13 = +6
14 = +7

Each operator has an amplitude (volume) envelope, and these have 4 rate values and 4 level values. Instead of single decay there are two. This makes for 6*8 parameters for envelopes alone!

The scaling of these envelopes is too much to go into here now, just remember rate values are "inverse", smaller the rate longer it will take.

Rate Scaling means the envelope will be played faster in proportion to the note pitch, so if this is 7 the envelope part of the operator will be fast in any case.

When forming a sound it might be useful to first set all the attacks to 99 and all levels to 99 for all carriers, and then start reducing the effect of the different operators.

The velocity sensitivity (0-7) part is important, as this adds expressivity to a sound. Setting them all to 0 means all operators are indifferent to velocity change, which might be a good starting point. (Keeping in mind that operators also have levels).

Subtly adding values to some of the operators means that the proportion of the action taken by the operators on the sound will depend on the velocity. Bear in mind the "velocity" slider on Volca is not an overall "amplitude" but rather feeds in this 0-127 velocity value. 

The velocity data that comes in with notes does not affect this velocity. After the voice has been triggered, changing the velocity CC (41 decimal) does not change the sound already being played.

It's all so much clearer now! (sarcasm)

The verdict

As only 156 bytes are sent, I could send this individual voice data about 15 times a second without observing any kind of buffer build-up.

There's a chance the SysEx dump could even be used as a kind of in-song sound manipulator depending on where and how often notes are played. But it's probably much better idea to create sounds that are responsive to velocity and only send the SysEx patch at the beginning of a song.

Both in theory and in practice, the lack of Program Change interpretation can be bypassed using the SysEx. The practical issue remains of building a library of sensible patches to send... So I need to decipher the 32-voice banks after all.

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Sinclair QL and 1084S Monitor

For some weird reason I had believed the 1084S display cannot be connected to my computers, because it does not have the 21-pin RGB fitted in. Then one day I realised I have an cable that does the job for Amiga.

Then I thought perhaps QL should work with it too, if not with the analog RGB then with the digital. This is something I tried a few years ago, mostly by guessing, but then abandoned it as I couldn't get it to sync.

I then found these instructions which made me rethink the cable.

I'll replicate the info here.

It turned out I needed to disconnect one wire and reconnect another in my already existing cable.

These are the female connectors at the backside of the 1084S and QL respectively:

So, to connect the QL to the 1084S a cable with 8-pin DINs is needed. 5 connections are made.

RED=Red signal
GREEN=Green signal
BLUE=Blue signal

The picture I got was really good.

Some additional QL notes

I admit I was somewhat flummoxed when turning my QL on after this long while. But one reason for making this blog is that I can go back to old material and again remember how things work. I don't really understand my boot arrangement anymore, but at least it works.

Using a QL keyboard after a long while was not an entirely positive experience. It is far more clunky and noisy than I remembered. The basic sensitivity of the keys is ok. 

CTRL+left or right is Backspace and Delete, and this is rather intuitive as the CTRL is really close. Not having to reach further is a benefit after getting used to it. For some kind of tasks this layout can be good, but for games it's not too great.

WTV can be a helpful command if the image does not fit the screen. With the 1084S the screen can be adjusted to fit, though. MODE 0 and MODE 8 switch between the lower and higher resolutions.

Depending on the setup the drive might respond to following commands (mdv is microdrive, flp for floppy drive and so on)

dir mdv1_
dir flp1_
dir win1_
dir sdc1_
dir ram1_ for the RAM drive

load sdc1_filename loads BASIC programs, whereas exec sdc1_qed launches programs such as Qed. Using Qed, F3 enters command mode, where Q exits and X exits and saves.